Saturday, October 10, 2009

Amerique Silverspar's Rezzday!!!

Lion Jonesford's Rezzday!!!

Stardust Pink's Rezzday!!!

Ella Quinsette's RL Birthday Bash

This event made it in to!

Sunday, 20 September 2009


I got a call on Friday night from my favourite div'o', Willilious Georgette. Rolling across the floor like a slut, on Willi's famous chim always makes me laugh, so I accepted his tp to come join him at a rl birthday party, that was being held for Ella Quinsette.

On arrival I felt very under dressed, as everyone was in formal attire-even Willi. I was shocked cause seeing Willi in formal white tux isn't the norm ya know.

The birthday girl looked beautiful and was happy to pose beside this big giant birthday cake that Willilious had created for her. Since the cake had been made by Willi, and knowing Willi very very well, I waited and waited, keeping my beady eye on the cake for the naked men to jump out and scream 'surprise', but it didn't happen. Willi hun, we need to talk.

/me sings, His name was Frolic he was a showgirl......Frolic Mills, what the hell were you thinking? I am not talking about the fishnets with hairy legs. Where the hell did you get those shoes???????
Amutey decided to show Frolic what showing leg is and decided to flash her pins. Amutey you have a beautiful leg and beautiful shoes, but how do you compete with a man with matching fans and a fruit bowl on his head?
I didn't go out much in SL during the weekend, well I did but nothing much was happening. Some SLIWT readers were having a much juicier time playing paparazzi and people were getting papped all over the place. Of course the pictures always end up on my desk.

Original Post here.

Liam Netizen's Rezzday!

Site UP for business!

We are up and running! Event Teasers and Event Photos will be posted here.